First Consult: popup image
Which specialist should you choose?

Your GP has diagnosed you with a medical problem and told you to see a specialist.
But how do you choose the right specialist?
And how do you avoid ending up on a long waiting list?

What will Royal Doctors do for you?under-line

  • We’ll match you with the right specialist for your specific medical situation.
  • We’ll ensure that you are 100% prepared for the physical consultation.
  • We’ll organise your consultation within 10 working days.
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How do we operate?under-line

  • We have fully identified the healthcare provision in your area, so we know exactly which doctor has experience with your problem.
  • We’ll ensure that all the necessary preparations have been made and all relevant medical information is available. This means that no time is wasted during the initial consultation and you and your doctor can immediately focus on your problem.

Frequently asked questions about First Opinion Consult

This service is only available to employees who have signed up for the Royal Doctors Employee Benefit Plan (this can be arranged through an insurer or broker).

We guarantee that you can attend a consultation within 10 working days; 75% of these consultations are physical and 25% are held online.

Orthopaedic complaints: hip, knee, foot, wrist, shoulder and elbow.
Also back and neck problems, cardiology, eye diseases and skin diseases.

No, we will organise your consultation within our national network in your own country.

The price of a consultation with a medical specialist is between €25 and €100, depending on the specialist and the length of the consultation.
Most of this is reimbursed by your health insurance.

There is no point in consulting a cardiologist if, for example, no preliminary tests have been carried out by the GP, such as an ECG, lab tests, or a chest X-ray.
We therefore aim to prevent you from attending a consultation with a specialist unprepared.

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