Second Opinion: popup image
Is your diagnosis or treatment the right one?

You have received a serious diagnosis and are facing drastic treatment. You want to be 200% sure that you’re making the right decision, but deep inside you still feel doubts. This is perfectly natural!

So what’s our advice? Ask for a second opinion. under-line

Studies show that this is definitely worth doing!

  • Studies show that in 20% of cases, the diagnosis and treatment are incorrect!
    Clearly, the correct treatment cannot be started on an incorrect diagnosis. (This could happen to you.)
  • Studies also show that in 30% of cases, the diagnosis is correct, but the treatment is not.
  • Fortunately, studies also show that patients in the remaining 50% of cases are both correctly diagnosed and offered the right treatment. So they can be 200% sure that they are on the right path.
Advies Second opinion Royal Doctors

When do you ask for a second opinion?

It makes most sense to ask for a second opinion before starting treatment.

How can Royal Doctors help you?

Royal Doctors has specialised in organising independent second opinions since 1999.
We have an extensive European network of 250 medical specialists who are authorities in their fields. Matching the right doctor with each case is our top priority.

The way we work is unique: you don’t have to physically travel to another hospital or doctor.

  • No waiting.
  • No stressful consultations.
  • No unnecessary examinations.
  • No wasting of precious time.

We analyse your file thoroughly and ensure that you receive a clear and reliable answer to all your questions and concerns.

Patients give the Royal Doctors Second Opinion Service a satisfaction rating of 98%.

Royal Doctors is fast, easy and reliable.

Your second opinion from Royal Doctors in 3 steps.

Step 1

Gathering all the information

  • You fill in our secure digital questionnaire, which will give us a better understanding of your personal situation, your questions and your concerns.
  • Royal Doctors discreetly – with your permission – requests the complete medical file.

Step 2

Selecting the right doctor

  • From our network, we select the most suitable medical expert to assess your situation.
  • The medical expert analyses your file thoroughly, answers all your questions and draws up a clear second opinion report.

Step 3

You receive your second opinion report 10 days later.

  • You will receive your second opinion report by registered post at your home address.
  • We strongly advise you to discuss the report with your own doctor.

Second opinion: what advice do I follow?

It’s possible that the second opinion doctor may give you the same advice as your own doctor. In that case, you have confirmation that you are on the right track.

But what if the second opinion is different? Decide for yourself what feels like the best choice for you. Discuss the options resulting from the second opinion report with your own doctor.

Second opinion trigger finger

I should have sought a second opinion much sooner

Steve had been diagnosed with trigger finger (TVS) 4 years earlier. The tendon of his index finger kept getting stuck, so that he could no longer move his finger easily.
What started as nagging discomfort had developed into severe pain…

Second Opinion Neuro Aneurysma

I owe Royal Doctors my life

Esther, 31, was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm in 2016
(a malformed blood vessel in the brain that can rupture).
The blood vessel was too difficult for surgeons to gain access to…

Pain-free without major back surgery

Anna was 54 years old and had suffered from back problems for a long time when she was diagnosed with chronic back pain (L4-L5).
Her attending physicians drew up a medication plan and recommended adjustments at work…

5 most frequently asked questions for our Second Opinion Service

All conditions, including mental health conditions.

No, the service is completely digital. This is a very reliable, but also easy way to obtain a second opinion. See the information video above.

This is an understandable question when you aren’t familiar with the service. We have a satisfaction rating of more than 98% and an NPS of 62. That represents a very high level of satisfaction.

From the moment we receive your medical file, it will take a maximum of 10 working days for you to receive your second opinion report.

The Second Opinion Service is usually covered by your health insurance or part of an employee benefit programme, so first ask your insurer or employer whether they will reimburse the cost of the second opinion. You may be pleasantly surprised by their answer. If there is no third-party coverage of the cost, we will draw up a tailor-made quotation for you that will depend on your case.

Doctors are usually familiar with us, as we have been active in the medical field for more than 20 years. They appreciate our working method, because we don’t send the patient to another hospital and we don’t disrupt the work of the patient’s own doctor. Our rapid working method means that the second opinion doesn’t delay the start of the treatment.

Would you like to request a Second Opinion?

Start your Second Opinion request today!
Do you still have questions?

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